Saturday, February 11, 2012


So my 24/7 morning sickness was getting worst and I could barely keep anything down. I had to go to the doctor. It was a good thing though, because she put me on a couple of meds, which are helping a little bit, and also bumped up my appointment as well as my ultrasound. It was all good news for me, except that I had lost 6 pounds, which they said is normal because I was so sick and they will only be concerned if I don't put the weight back on once I can start eating normal again. Now we get to have our 1st ultrasound on Tuesday Feb. 14th. Hoping for lots of good results!!! I am excited, but nervous at the same time. I really want everything to be ok, but I know stressing about it can't change that.

My mom decided that she wanted to fly down for the 1st ultrasound and help me start my "cleaning" process. She flies in on Monday and is here for a week. I am very excited!!! It works out perfect, because Jason goes to NY next Thursday and I would have been left alone, which now I won't be. Still not sure if Jason will make it to the ultrasound or not, because he got called to do another Teen Wolf episode. Good for him, but I am sad he won't be there. We will see if he makes it back in time. :)

Well that is pretty much it for now and will be back with some news on Tuesday!

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