Saturday, February 4, 2012

The journey began...

on Tuesday January 10, while Jason was at a friend's house playing poker. I hadn't been feeling right for days and something told me to take a pregnancy test. Sure enough it had 2 lines, even though 1 line was faint. I called my sister in law who I knew had taken a few tests when she found out she was pregnant and she said if it has 2 lines no matter how faint, it means pregnant. So I waited until morning to try the digital test and sure enough it said "PREGNANT." I woke Jason up and told him. He said "how do you know?" I showed him the test and he was in shock. I went to work and called the doctor when they were open. They scheduled me to come in that day and took a test of their own. It was also very faint so they said I must just be really early in the pregnancy. They did blood work and I had to call back the next day for the results. Blood results came in and showed I was pregnant for sure. That is when the real journey began for me. All of a sudden I had to be worried about what I ate, medicine I took, what I did and so on. The stress started almost immediately and I was scared to do something that would harm the baby. Then I got really sick with an upper respiratory infection. This lasted for almost 2 weeks. The doctor did put me on a zpack, which didn't work for me. I just had to fight it the best I could. At the end of this my morning sickness kicked in full blast. I think I would be ok if it was just in the morning, but I have been blessed with 24/7 morning sickness and it SUCKS!!! I am sick all day long. I am dizzy and can barely keep my food down, but I am pushing on through each day knowing that it will get better at some point. I also know that in the end it will all be worth it when I hold my little one. Speaking of that...I don't care what it is (boy or girl), I just want the baby to be healthy. I would love a little girl, but I know Jason wants a boy so either way I am fine. It would be great to have TWINS...1 boy and 1 girl. I would be all set and only have to go through this once. :)

I have already started gaining weight, well I am starting to get a belly, but I think my weight is just shifting, because I haven't actually gained any weight yet. I think I have lost weight from being so sick. As for telling people...for me it has been really hard to keep the secret. I am so excited and I want to shout it from the roof tops, but I know that something could happen and it will be harder for me the more people that I will have to tell. Right now we are taking it a day at a time and slowly telling people. Word is being spread though because people like to share the good news and I think by the time we officially announce it, everyone will already know.

I am praying for a healthy pregnancy, with no problems along the way, but I know whatever is meant to be will happen. I was always so scared I would never be able to get pregnant and now that I am, I am scared that something will happen. I know that worrying will not change the outcome (words from my awesome Mommy) so all I can do it hope and pray that all goes well.

My next doctor's appointment is February 21, which seems so far away. Then they will schedule my ultrasound for a week or 2 after that. As of right now (according to my last period) I am just over 7 weeks. I will know for sure after the ultrasound, which won't be until the end of this month. At that time, if everything is ok, I will make this blog live and announce to the world that in Sept. 2012 baby Hill will be arriving.

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