To say it's been a long time is an understatement. We won't try and "catch up " in the time since I posted last. It would take days to type and forever for you to read so we are going to skip over that and start fresh with the hope that I can keep up with this like I originally had planned.
We have a new house (still have the Florida house as well) in Atlanta, GA. We bought it in March 2014 and moved in January 2015. What took so long? Well the house was a dump and should have been condemned. But that didn't deter my husband. He was determined to fix it up and make it our home. He liked the land and the location. It needed to be gutted, re framed walls, fix the floors, all new electrical and plumbing, insulation, drywall and more. The yard was a nasty forest that we had to clean up and bulldoze most of it. It created a track that now Jadon is enjoying on his four wheeler. Well Jason busted his butt and worked non stop for 10 months and although the house isn't finished, it is our home. We are together under the same roof after over a year and a half of living in different states and only seeing each other once in awhile. That was difficult and I don't think people really understood what we went through. Moving back in with each other has had it's own challenges. It has been even more difficult then either of us expected. On a daily basis we struggle with one challenge after another. Neither of us are working right now and that has challenges all in itself. We still own our house in Florida and hello more challenges! Life isn't easy and we knew that going in, but I know things will get easier. I may just throw out everything that isn't unpacked and maybe that will make me feel better. lol.
My first look at the new house last May. My mom, Jason's mom, Josh, Emily and the kids all came and we worked hard to do what we could in less than a week. So much hard work, sweat and tears filled this week.
Progress made and an update in September
So much space wasted having to create walls around a crocked walls and frame of this stupid house that was not put together correctly.
January when we moved in was NOT easy...
Our house was broken into in October and so we had to put bars on all the windows and doors. They stole a lot, damaged a lot and set us back in timing and money.
Lots of nasty cleaning needed to be done.
A pipe bursts from the freezing temperatures and this is what we found when we returned home from NY. This left us with no water for awhile.
We had no heat for almost 2 months. Using space heaters was our only source of heat.
We had no fridge so meals were so rough but we had a microwave so these types of meals were key.
Dogs made themselves comfortable.
No heat meant wearing jackets in the house.
Finally got a fridge in February
Unloading the storage unit was hard work and trying to find a place for everything is even harder work.
The couch didn't fit. We had to take out part of a wall and took about an hour for us turning this thing every different direction to get this thing in. It is never leaving the house or it is going in pieces.
At the end of February we finally got our table put together.
I hope you enjoyed reading about our journey. It hasn't been easy but we are enjoying this new adventure as a family.